This was an impressive hack, exposing millions to malware as they tried to access popular websites like NY Times and Twitter. Also impressive was how companies with the power to limit the impact of the attack took action (Google, CloudFlare, GoDaddy). This type of attack is likely to become more common, as many registrar accounts have weak credentials. One way for average users to benefit from this collaboration is to stop using your ISP's DNS servers and use Google's DNS or use OpenDNS. OpenDNS is great, because you can use it to filter some Internet traffic from your kids. I use Google's DNS servers for my business and home, with OpenDNS for my kids computers and public WiFi at work. Here are some links with info on how you can too.

Details Behind Today's Internet Hacks | CloudFlare Blog
Details Behind Today's Internet HacksPublished on August 27, 2013 08:15PM by Matthew Prince. TweetWhen I woke up this morning I had no idea I'd be on a video conference with CloudFlare, OpenDNS, Google, GoDaddy, Twitter tech folks all day— Rajiv Pant (@rajivpant) August 28, 2013At 1:19pm (PDT) today…