At IT Xpress, we help clients regain control of hacked accounts all the time – but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. If you haven't setup a trusted friend in FB, you should. It can allow you to regain control of a hacked account. For services like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft you should also link your cellphone so they can text you a code to verify your identity and let you back in. If the service supports two factor authentication – use it! It makes it MUCH harder for criminals to access your accounts. Not sure how to do all of this? IT Xpress can help!

How to Use ‘Trusted Contacts’ to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account
What originally began as Trusted Friends has been redesigned, improved and released again as Trusted Contacts. This is an account recovery feature that gives you way to reclaim your account should you ever forget your password or lose your account to a Facebook hacker. Facebook defines Trusted Conta…