16 Feb
A lot of people don't have MS Office on their home computers because it costs 100+ for a license. You can kind of use the trials for a while, closing the screen asking for a license key, but even that is temporary. If you're looking for an alternative, LibreOffice from the Open Document Foundation has just released v3.5. Existing OpenOffice and LibreOffice users will notice this version is MUCH faster. This office suite can open and save files in both MS Office format and ODF – the Open Document Format, which is becoming more popular. While power users are still smart to pay for MS Office, most users doing straightforward documents, spreadsheets, and presentation should give LibreOffice a try.
The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5: “the best free office suite ever”
Berlin, February 14, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5, the third major release of "the best free office suite ever", which shows to end users the improvements derived from t…